A research-focused approach to inclusivity in academic spaces, Drs. Cooper and Brownell, Arizona State University

10h-11h Depression in STEM: How research and teaching affect depression among graduate students and faculty in STEM (Hybrid Talk):

There is a mental health crisis in STEM, yet few studies have explored the experiences of individuals in STEM with mental health struggles. In this talk, we present the results of multiple studies that highlight how individuals with depression navigate the complexities of academia and how aspects of academia can exacerbate and alleviate symptoms of depression. We highlight how over 25% of faculty report struggling with depression, yet less than 5% of them are open with students about their depression. Finally, we show how an instructor revealing that they have depression to their students can positively affect students, particularly students who struggle with depression. 

14h-15h How to make academic STEM spaces more inclusive:

Drs. Cooper and Brownell will lead an informal discussion on designing and implementing studies to explore inclusivity in academic spaces, drawing on their extensive expertise. This discussion will be of interest to teachers, researchers, and administrators who are interested in conducting large or small scale studies in their own contexts.

More about the speakers:

Sara Brownell is a President’s Professor in the School of Life Sciences at Arizona State University and directs the Research for Inclusive STEM Education (RISE) Center. Trained as a Ph.D. neuroscientist, she transitioned to discipline-based education research and is an expert on course-based undergraduate research experiences and making undergraduate science learning experiences, specifically active learning courses and undergraduate research experiences, more inclusive. She currently explores the experiences of instructors and students with concealable stigmatized identities such as disability, LGBTQ+ identity, religion, and income level. She has over 100 publications and her work has received international attention through news outlets.
Katelyn Cooper is an Assistant Professor in the School of Life Sciences at Arizona State University. Trained as a discipline-based education researcher, she uses quantitative and qualitative methodologies to explore research questions related to making undergraduate and graduate biology education more inclusive. Her work primarily focuses on the relationship between student mental health and cognitive and affective learning. Her research has been highlighted in Science as well as news outlets such as the New York Times, CNN, and BBC News. In 2022, Cooper received the NSF CAREER award to investigate the relationship between undergraduate/graduate research and depression, and was listed as one of the 2022 NBC PRIDE 30: The new generation for her efforts to make biology education more inclusive.

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