How many times have we heard teachers say, “Oh my goodness, that class (or student or colleague) isn’t very motivated!” We often think about motivation in terms of quantity, but, if we are interested in behavioural outcomes such as quality learning, what is more important is the quality of human motivation.
In this session we’ll take a dive into the mechanics of two of the most influential theories of human motivation as well as how they relate to performance, persistence and engagement in activities, be they work, leisure or health-related. We’ll also have a few activities that will help to understand more about how to recognise the different types of motivation, as well as how to foster healthy motivational patterns in ourselves and others.
Caroline Pulfrey has a PhD in Social Psychology from the University of Lausanne and has specialised in research in motivation, individual values and evaluation methods. She has worked at UNIL (HEC & SSP) as well as in three large international management schools. She currently works as a Research Fellow at LEARN focusing on the Digital Education in Primary Schools pilot scheme as well as managing the research into COVID distance education project.
Sounds interesting? Video recording of the session is available here:
The lunch&LEARN series was created by the Center LEARN to stimulate the exchange between learning science researchers and everyone at EPFL interested in teaching. Our sessions seek to either translate learning research into teaching practice or provide evidence and insights from teaching practice. Video recordings and slides from previous sessions can be found on
During this covid-19 impactedd period, we turned it into a remote coff<<ee&LEARN.