Socio-Emotional and Ethical Blended Learning
The purpose of this project is to understand, support, and promote the development of psychosocial and ethical skills crucial for reshaping the 21st-century educational environment.

The purpose of this project is to understand, support, and promote the development of psychosocial and ethical skills crucial for reshaping the 21st-century educational environment.
The research team’s mission focuses particularly on the respect of children’s rights and their fundamental psychological needs within educational frameworks.
With this goal in mind, the research team is developing a new interdisciplinary theoretical approach to empirically study children’s psychological needs, their human rights, and the school context in the digital age.
The team is also collaborating on developing hybrid interventions aimed at enhancing socio-emotional and ethical skills among all members of the educational community. These interventions are designed based on principles of participatory interventionist and transdisciplinary research.
The evaluation of the individual and collective effects of these interventions will be conducted using a diverse range of tools and will be complemented by results from qualitative research approaches.
This pioneering interdisciplinary research project brings together the the HEP Valais, the Centre interfacultaire en Droits de l’enfant at the University of Geneva, the Unité de recherche Développement Individu Processus Handicap Éducation (DIPHE) at the University of Lyon 2, the REACT Group at EPFL (affiliated with the LEARN Center), and the Graasp Association. The project is funded by a Sinergia grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).