MOOC: discovering digital sciences with Thymio
This course covers the basic mechanisms of an educational robot such as Thymio, its programming using different languages, and its use in the classroom with associated pedagogical elements.

This course covers the basic mechanisms of a robot such as Thymio, its programming using different languages, and its use in the classroom with associated pedagogical elements.
This course, produced jointly by EPFL and Inria, is structured into six chapters designed for primary and secondary school teachers wishing to use the Thymio robot in their classrooms.
However, it is also designed to be accessible to anyone wishing to learn the basics of programming and computational thinking.
The explanatory materials (videos, texts, images, exercises, quizzes and many other resources) provided in this MOOC have been carefully selected with a view to offering learners a stimulating course, as well as teaching materials that can be used in a classroom context.
The French version of this MOOC has been adapted into German thanks to the collaboration of numerous other institutions and organizations (ETHZ, PH Luzern, SUPSI, PH Berne, PH St. Gallen, PH Schwyz, amXa, Bischoff).