Randomized experiments to evaluate learning technologies

In this lunch&LEARN session Maria Paula Cacault, Head of Operations E4S (Enterprise 4 Society), will present the findings from her study exploring the effects of live streaming lectures on student achievement and attendance. After the presentation we will explore how randomised experiments can be set up to evaluate new learning methods.

Results from this large-scale randomized experiment with first-year bachelor students at the University of Geneva revealed that watching lectures via live stream lowered the academic performance of students with lower abilities and improved the results for those with higher-abilities. Interestingly, students seemed to use this technology only sporadically, often choosing online attendance when unexpected circumstances made attending class in person difficult. 

This study won the « Swiss Education Research Award 2023”. This prize is awarded biennially by the Swiss Confederation and cantonal authorities to recognise research that significantly contributes to the management and steering of the education system. 

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