Teaching (Half-)Day 2021

After a first Teaching Day in 2020, we had announced the holding of this year’s teaching day for 14/09/2021. Unfortunately the sanitary situation forces us to reduce our ambition and make only half a day, in hybrid format and without the planned interactive workshops, which are the most interesting part, but also the most problematic in terms of potential contaminations.
We have therefore decided to change the format with a half-day of presentations on 14/09 and the interactive workshops organized during the semester one by one, avoiding too much mixing.
We invite you all to join us on 14/09 from 09:00 to 12:00, either in person (room CO3, COVID certificate mandatory) or by video (zoom room). Please register even if you are planning to participate by zoom.


The AVP-E has commissioned working groups to reflect on topics related to the future of education. Each working group has created a report (compilation of commission reports). The CCE wishes to allow the entire teaching community to react to the proposals of the working groups in interactive sessions open to all. These sessions will be organized during the semester, and the dates will be communicated to you during the teaching day. We will take advantage of the day of 14/09 to present you quickly the motivations and subjects of these working groups.

Program of the day of 14/09:
09 :00 – 09:15 Opening, news from the CCE Cécile Hébert
09 :15 – 09:45 Associated Vice-Presidents for education and student affairs, Pierre Dillenbourg and Kathryn Hess
09 :45 -10:30 Presentation of the three working groups (15′ each)
 — First year (Nicolas Grandjean and Simone Deparis)
 — Flexible teaching (Felix Naef and Patrick Jermann)
 — Project based learning (Mark Pauly and Roland Tormey)
10:30 – 10:45 Break
10:45 – 11:00 Machine learning (Alexandre Alahi and Mathieu Salzmann)
11:00 – 12:00 Presentation on students with special needs or disabilities (SAE-CHUV)

We hope to see many of you at this event!
 Cécile Hébert & Olivier Lévêque (CCE), Jessica Dehler Zufferey (Center LEARN) & Roland Tormey (CAPE)

An overview of the conference can be found in this actu post and the recordings of the Teaching Half-Day can be rewatched here: https://mediaspace.epfl.ch/channel/Conf%C3%A9rence+du+Corps+Enseignant+%28CCE%29/49211

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