Accelerating digital innovation in schools through Regional Innovation Hubs and a whole-school mentoring model.
iHub4Schools aims to accelerate whole-school digital innovation in schools by establishing Regional Innovation Hubs in more than 75 European schools in five European countries.
Those hubs are implementing project-approaches as well as multiple school-to-school mentoring structures.
This is achieved by supporting the collaboration between 600 digitally advanced -and less advanced- teachers through a variety of peer learning approaches and engagement structures.
iHub4Schools is also developing an agile, whole-school, mentoring model that embraces both inter- and intra-school levels, and integrates novel evaluation approaches as well as the Learning Analytics Toolbox.
Long-term sustainability is ensured by a systematic stakeholder engagement strategy that will integrate initiatives and partners on a local level (municipalities, school boards, teacher associations and network).
Regional impact is sustained by the upskilling of the teachers and school heads to scale and sustain the innovation in and across the schools.