MOOC Factory

In the span of a single decade, EPFL has produced more than 140 courses that have attracted 3’000’000 registrations. We now look at leveraging video resources produced in 2020.

MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Course. It is a combination of video lectures, exercises and assignments, open for anyone to follow for free. 

Most of our courses require 5-7 weeks to be completed. They are open for a worldwide audience but are also used by our students in complement to on-campus classes.

The MOOC factory offers support for the entire process of creating a course. Starting from the design the course outline, based on learning objectives and working backwards to define suitable learning activities and relevant material. 

Once the course blueprint is ready, video production can start in one of our studios. Instructors first get to familiarize themselves with the studio, and work in close relationship with a studio host who guides and supports them. 

Studio hosts are also in charge of editing the video and they interact with the instructors through a revision process. 

Finally, once the course is ready, distribution is organized on a suitable platform.

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